You have 2 calendar days to cancel and apply for refund from the date of booking.
You need to carry and submit your Token Invoice Number as generated on at the time of booking.
Once we receive your cancellation order, we will inspect it and notify you in 7 days that we have verified and cancelled you booking.
If your cancellation is approved, we will initiate a refund to your credit card (or original method of payment) and the status of your refund would be posted to you via E-Mail as provided by you during the time of booking. You will receive the full credit within 30 Business Days once your cancellation has been confirmed.
The original receipt must be presented for processing the refund alongwith original Credit Card/Debit Card and Identity Proof as stated above.
You will not have the right to cancel your booking if any or both of the following instances hold true:
Whom do I contact when I have problems at the time of booking, alteration to my booking or cancellation of my booking?
You can contact our representative at +91 78449 69666 or Email us at
Any dispute regarding the Cancellation & Refund Policy shall be subject to decision of Sole Arbitrator being appointed by Morya Cars Pvt Ltd and the territorial jurisdiction shall only be in Mumbai.